
'Thank you, the word "moist," for being the worst word ever. I think I speak for all Americans when I say that we don't want you as a word anymore. God I hate you.'

Jimmy Fallon

In Jimmy Fallon new book Thank You Notes, he declares the word Moist as the worst word ever. Today, except my love of the Canadian band by that name, as of today, I officially agree with him.

People always say it is the humidity not the heat and I always think 'they're old'. Today, I get it. Rushing to get to brunch this morning I stepped out of the shower, into my clothes and into a moist mess. The humidity was close to 100 and I changed three times before hitting the air conditioning of my car. My wonderful friends thought it smart to eat on the outside patio. I was the lone vote for inside. By the time my steak and eggs arrived they all wanted to move inside. After a few errands and a VERY short run with the dog, I am home. A record three showers and five changes of clothes in the last 8 hours.