Thumbs Down: ABC

Over the past decade ABC has been the network that has taken great chances with putting on unique and original television shows. Although ABC might wish to have a Law & Order or a CSI they do not. Not having such a show, or it's spin off has enabled ABC to take greater risks with their prime time line up. ABC has supported some wonderful prime time hour long dramas. Grey's Anatomy, Lost and Desperate Housewives have brought attention and ratings to the alphabet network. When these shows hit and become ratings giants, ABC is quick to support them with publicity and schedule consistency.

ABC has also launched some equally acclaimed shows which have not reached the rating highs of the shows mentioned above. Life on Mars, Pushing Daisy's were critically praised and earned the network respect and awards. ABC did not seem to care very much. As much as they take risks when putting on a new show, they don't seem to be able to follow it up with much support and protection. It is like taking care to find the right puppy for your home only to bring it home, tie it in the backyard and ignore it.

One such show ended last night. Some might say that Ugly Betty was done well by ABC. I would disagree. ABC should have known Betty never would get the ratings a Desperate Housewives would get. Betty was a success, a huge one. Just not big enough for ABC. Betty was well written, well acted and unique. It was embraced by critics and had legions of fans. While some might simply say the ratings dropped I would argue what was dropped was the ABC. Betty was special show a show that required attention, love and protection. It needed careful scheduling and publicity. ABC seems to have set this show adrift last season and never bothered to look for it. The cast of Betty was amazing and certainly cost much less than the huge cast of Grey's. Betty deserved better. Betty deserved at least another season or two. Betty deserved to reach 100. Betty, it's cast and it's fans though are far too nice. Sweet really, like the show the fans, although sad it is going are grateful for the 4 seasons it was given. I am angry. Angry that ABC does not see that by yanking good shows with decent ratings off the air. Who is going to commit to a show on ABC knowing the network shows such little faith in its gems.

Goodbye Betty. Your finale was quiet, understated and hit a perfect note. You will be missed.