Ville Kinos by Ville Paul

Above: Photographer Ville Paul

When going through Ville Kino's portfolio to choose my favorite shots one of his most recent shoots, that with Finland's Ville Paul certainly stood out. Simple, classic, beautiful. Paul's choice for lighting and simple props created incredible images from the portraits through full body shots. Ville Paul shoots Ville Kinos with more of a focus on fashion. There is a maturity, a focus, that sets these shots apart.

'I think this shoot has been my best for long time! Very classy, sexy and editorial shoot.'
Ville Kinos

'The world of photography has been a major interest for me ever since I was a child. Fashion magazines have always had a huge influence to my growing passion for photography. I've always loved to browse through them and look what the models are wearing, what kind of makeup they have and try to figure out how the photos are made.'
Ville Paul

Check out more of Ville Paul's work at his official website HERE: