The Emmy's

I love the Emmy's, even more than the Oscars and I did enjoy the show last night, beat the hell out of that disaster in 'the round' last year. My big complaint, like many I am sure was the total time they wasted on the 5 reality host nominee's. They were awful, not funny and slowed the show down every time they were on. What a waste of time which could have been better spent on other aspects of the show.

That being said, poor Ryan Seacrest was totally robbed of the host award. Jeff Probst is good and all, but only Tom Bergeron and Ryan actually host live without the aid of the edits Jeff and the others get. I mean really, how hard would it be to host with time to edit your performance. Ryan hosts American Idol like a master, moving the show quickly along with wit and skill. He deserved the award.

I have always loved Josh Groban, but he hit it out of the park last night, vocally as always, but he looked hotter than I have ever seen him, and was hilarious to boot.

My favorite part of Emmy night was not the awards, but the Jimmy Kimmel special. This hilarious take off of the Barbara Walters special hit it out of the park. The highlight was the Michael Phelps/Grey's Anatomy spoof. The only thing I did not like was the Tracy Morgan piece, that guy gives me the creeps for some reason, and I FF through almost anything he is in.

Thanks to DaveID for the caps!